Presenting our latest attraction in the kindy , a 12ft fully padded and netted trampoline ( can hold up to 3 adult at a time ). The children were waiting with full anticipation for the trampoline man, Mr Ray from Eduvantage, to finish assembling the trampoline.Once they got the thumbs up, everybody was jumping with joy ( even the teachers ) to give the brand new trampoline a ride. As a safety measure, only 3-4 student are allowed to jump at a time with supervision of a teacher.
The main reason why we decided on the trampoline is that it promote the development of body balance as while jumping, the children must locate new and constantly changing center of gravity and also understanding rhythm. Not only that, a trampoline is also a finest device available for the development of total coordination hence encouraging the children academic success as children ability to learn depends on the ability to control their movement. Plus it a whole lot of fun.
We are proud to be one of the elite few kindergarten in the country with a trampoline.
Mr. Ray of Eduvantage aka Mr Trampoline Man.
Fixing the pad and net around the trampoline.
Waiting for the thumbs up.
Yippie.. I'm walking on air....